Session Three Anthology
MENTOR: Luther Hughes
I listen to my brother’s tears
a loom
a familiar song
the song of water
the song of creation
a song sung in each of our voices
I listen to my brother breaking
brother, you are breaking
like the earth to show its inheritance
an amethyst
is inside you
I know you are afraid of what you are
but wait until you see your brilliance
more radiant than your dread
harder and sharper than the splinters
of guilt you have swallowed
brother, each tear you make
Is a small prize
that falls opens
like a cloud
when it welcomes
the swords of the sun
Finn Menzies is an out transgender teacher in Seattle, WA. His work is his spiritual practice and his activism. He received his MFA from Mills College. He is the creator of FIN Zine, a bi-annual zine dedicated to his emotional journey throughout his transition.
Finn’s debut collection, BRILLIANT ODYSSEY DON'T YEARN came out this summer with FOG MACHINE. His poetry can also be seen in Gigantic Sequins, Quiet Lightning, SUSAN /the journal, , SPORK, HOLD: a journal, The Shallow Ends, Big Lucks, and various other journals. Annually, Finn facilitates UNdoing Ego: a workshop on meditation and generative writing practices.